So I'm trying to think about how today, by all accounts a totally normal day, might end up being a big day.
- Woke up this a.m. Realized I'd had a fairly good nights sleep last night. Hooray. Took a Vicoprofen last night to help with the horrendous back pain, doc gave me the greenlight even though I'm still nursing. Not sure I believe him, but I also got the go-ahead from some reliable Google sources and my genius pharmacist sister, so I
went ahead with it. Wow. What a difference sleep makes.
- Dropped the kids off at ya-ya's house. Nothing too noteworthy here. The boys insist on their regular morning granola bars and milk.
- Off to work. Spent the morning playing catch up from my day off yesterday, not sure I'll ever get used to Wednesdays off. Also had some nice conversations with co-workers where I realized it is really nice to work with people that you truly enjoy spending time with. Let everyone know about Sophie's 4-month checkup yesterday, where she weighed in at a whopping 15 lbs 2 oz, and has moved up to 95th percentile for height. No one cares about this as much as I do, but they pretend well.
- Picked the kids up. As per usual, Travis is hiding behind the couch to 'surprise' me when I get there. Noah is swinging Sophie in the swing and laughing hysterically. Travis shows me the flowers that they planted today, and then we get loaded up and head home. Again as per usual, Noah runs three times around the car before I'm finally able to grab him up and deposit him safely into his car seat.
- We try to look for new and exciting things on the way home. No success, except Travis sees a weiner dog hiding in a bush.
- Back at home. I remind Ben about the pre-school art fair we have on the schedule for tonight. I'm pretty sure he has no idea what I'm talking about, although he pretends to be right there on the same page. He gets dinner ready for the whole brood, thank goodness. I feed Sophie and worry about the whole nursing thing, not sure how much longer it will last. I'm just starting to get emotional about it, but then its time to go.
- Pre-school Art Fair. We all load up and head to Travis's pre-school to see the art displays for all the pre-school classes from the year.

Travis gets excited once we get there and starts showing off all his stuff. Got a few good pictures, and some video. Cute pic of Travis and his speech teacher. Brought the stroller in for Noah, who insisted he wanted to ride in the stroller until six seconds after we get there, when he starts insisting he wants to walk --- meaning we have to push the empty stroller thru the pre-school. I carry Sophie in my front carrier and get a lot of "cute baby" smiles and comments from other parents. Overall a very happy trip.
- Home again. Play for a little while, and get Sophie to laugh a bit. Now its time to get the kids to bed. Ben reads books to the boys. Meanwhile I decide rather snarkily that its Ben's turn to take the kids to bed since I did it last night. He does so, pretends to be a little begrudging about it but is mostly on board. Primarily his argument is about the dirty diaper, but he's nowhere close to winning that argument based on the pure ratio of dirty diapers I've changed vs him.
- I decide to turn the monitor on to the boys' bedroom - not something I do every night since most nights they'll work it out on their own. Hear Travis complaining about not being able to sleep because Noah's being so loud. Except I hear that for six straight minutes and meanwhile don't hear a peep out of Noah. Finally I go upstairs and Travis informs me that his legs hurt, and "this is a big problem". I tell him I'll rub his legs, he needs this every once a while, and then go straight back downstairs. Done.
- Ben confesses his Mother's Day present plan to me -- he can't convince himself to buy it without talking to me first. Its a gym membership to the gym in my office building. At first I resist and complain that there's no way I'll find time, but I'm pretty sure that's mostly just excuses. He finally gets me to realize that and, as it turns out I'm pretty excited about it.
- We watch some Survivor, gee I wish it had been Coach voted off tonight, that guy drives me crazy. Ben tries to convince me to go the hot tub, for some reason I resist at first.
- End of the night. Turns out I've been convinced, I'll be heading out to the hot tub in just a minute.
So, there it is, my ordinary day. Full of a bunch of tiny little big moments. Gotta love it.
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