Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Coping, Schmoping

I broke the front door today.  You know, the glass storm door in the entry way?  For some reason, the latchy thing that actually closes the door would not move when the handle moved, so it was stuck permanently in a closed position.  I say "was" because it's not in that position now.  Because there is no latchy thing.  There's no door handle.  There's no glass.  All of the above has been removed and tossed aside somewhere (except the door glass, which was ever-so-gently deposited in its resting spot).  Ben is currently at some hardware store buying a drill bit because of the 15 drill bit kits we've got lying around the house, none of them appear to have a 3/8" bit.  At any rate, the point is, I broke the door, and Ben inherited himself a project.

The further point of this story is that I have officially reached the end of my rope of coping mechanisms.  Which means a broken front door is the type of problem essentially equivalent to the house burning to the ground.  I encountered said broken door as I was trying to let my mother and Travis into the house after a quick jaunt to the library, and she was going to stick around and watch the kids while I went to a luncheon at my office.  I couldn't let them in.  The door was broken.  They finally entered through the patio door in the back, I left for my work thingie, and cried most of the way there.  About a broken front door.  Or, at least I think that's what it was about.  I can't really be sure.

I always forget about this post-partum crap until I'm right in the thick of it.  I also forget that Sophie is only 6-months old, not even, so it's not really unusual that I'm going through this right now.  I'm also finishing up nursing right now, partially for reasons partly out of my control, which I'm really struggling with -- but all things considered it is the right decision.  Nonetheless, it means more emotions, and more turbulence, more instability in my mental state.  I've taken some steps recently to get back under control, however, which is good - because up until now my only remedy has been a strict regimen of chocolate... which doesn't help any, but darnit, I love chocolate.

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