Well, fall has fallen. Cold weekend, so we decided to forego the previously scheduled camping trip. Instead, took the kids to a pumpkin patch with some friends.

Travis, Holly, Katie, Ganon, Noah
Pumpkin fantasyland... Sesame Street style

Me and Sophie on the hayride
Afterwards, went back to a friends house to watch the Notre Dame game. Travis was very upset about the loss to USC. The game had a rather dramatic end (with a somewhat anti-climactic finish after all that drama), and when it was over, and he realized they had lost, he said to me "I did not like that game one tiny bit!", with furrowed brow and angry voice and all.
But, that was soon forgotten as he played with all of the Friends' cool toys. We stayed the night at their house, played in a shuffleboard tournament (I'm as bad as I thought I would be!), and Ben cleaned up in a game of Texas Hold Em. A good time was had by all.
Drove home this morning, then spent the afternoon playing in the backyard and pumpkin-carving:
posing with punkins
Hey! I'm cute!

The finished product
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