So we did a little searching, found one we liked at the Humane Society in our neighboring county, took the kids for a visit, we all loved him, found out we were 2nd on the list to get him as some other family had already put a "hold" on him. Ben figured this would be just like all the great deals he finds on Jeeps or boats or what-have-you on craigslist, where he finds a phenomenal deal only to find out it slipped out from underneath him and sold two minutes before he contacts the seller. Which is to say, he pessimistically assumed we would not get this dog and worried about how the kids would take it since we'd already taken them to meet him. I figured the kids would love whatever dog we decided to get, so not a big deal.
But, lucky for us, the other family did not get this dog for whatever reason. So Ben called this morning, found out he was still there and ours for the taking, I went over after work and officially adopted him.
Oh -- one part of the story I left out -- Ben made me watch the movie "Marley & Me" before we started picking out dogs. He wanted to test me to make sure I really wanted one. Yes, we will be sad when we lose this dog -- but that doesn't mean I want us or our kids to miss out on the joy of having a beloved dog, particularly for our kids in their formative years. Plus, like I tell Travis when something happens that he doesn't like, losing a pet builds character. (As does having to eat a bit of pineapple when you don't like pineapple; and having to turn off the Wii when you don't feel like it; and a whole host of other unfortunate events to which my poor offspring are subjected.)
Anyway, so far, Canada is turning out to be a fabulous dog. He is a Sheltie mix, 6-months old, playful but not obnoxiously so, pretty mild-mannered for a puppy, handles the kids very well, is lovable and reasonably social but not overwhelming. The kids adore him. Sophie spent the evening just about ready to explode with excitement; Travis played fetch with him; and Noah laid on the floor and tried to have a conversation with him. (All I could catch of this conversation was "Canada, you need a vacation. Have you seen my vacation?")

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