On Friday night, I took the kids to a nearby "Trunk or Treat". Ben wasn't feeling well so he stayed home. I'll admit I was worried that it might get overwhelming.... open parking lot, three young kids, sugar overload. But the kids were awesome and we had a great time. I got lots of compliments on the Mario and Luigi costumes.
Saturday, Ben and I went to a Murder Mystery Halloween party while my mom watched the kids. I'd never been to a murder mystery party before, it wasn't exactly what I expected. But we had fun.
And of course, we did actual trick-or-treating on Sunday, which was also a success. Sophie insisted on carrying around Noah's plunger accessory, which was fine, because Noah decided he really didn't want it. But little princess Sophie looked a little silly.

One of Ben's co-workers said, "you need to buy that poor girl a wand!" Little did they know how possessive that little princess was of her plunger. She had set it down at one neighborhood porch (in order to get her hands on some candy), and without realizing it, I had ushered her off the porch sans plunger. She started to have a meltdown, I thought because she had wanted more candy. I picked her up, and she started wailing, "myyyyy plunger.... [sniffle sniffle]".
An odd mixture of girly and tomboy, she is. How else can you describe an outfit that includes both a tiara and a plumbing device?
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