Today, I was showing Noah how to make an "excited mark" per his request. In the other room, I heard Sophie loudly and emphatically proclaim,
"I'm READY for work!"

Hmmmm....what could that mean?
I glance in her direction. Apparently what she means by 'ready for work' is that she's got an ink pen and my mp3 player haphazardly shoved in her pants pocket, a little keychain shoved in her other pocket, and her tiny feet pressed into my flip flops, the ones I use to take the trash outside.

Oops. Almost dropped my thingamajigger.
Then tonight, after Ben got home, we heard her make the same announcement.
"I'm READY for work!"

This time, she had a boot on one hand, a sock on the other, and a roll of duct tape around her ankle.
As it stands, to Sophie, preparing for work means accessorizing with completely random and utterly nonsensical household items.
What on earth does she think we do at work?
In other news, I took Noah to the dentist today. He had his regular check-up less than a month ago, but in the last couple weeks I've been noticing his right front tooth is a little discolored.
I first thought I was just imagining it, which Ben reinforced when he told me he couldn't see any such thing. But I just kept noticing it and finally decided it must be something more than a hypochondriac-by-proxy reaction.
I called the dentist this morning, we got an appointment for this afternoon; sure enough, the nerve was dead and they performed a "baby root canal". All told, the procedure lasted fifteen minutes, no numbing was required - just a little laughing gas. Noah was a champ. The dentist was impressed with his iPad abilities. That's my boy.
Here he is with his 'fixed tooth'.

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