All right. I really don't intend for this blog to be just about kids and crafts and all.
But I was ASTOUNDED at what Travis did tonight.
I've talked before about our fondness for treasure hunts around here. Tonight, Travis created a treasure hunt all on his own.
Captain Hook stole Noah's bo-bo.
We were given this "treasure map", which was actually four different pictures. The pictures were of trees -- small ones, large ones, with roots below the ground and/or nests in the branches.

We were then directed to checkpoint one, where there were two smaller pictures taped to the wall. We were to pick the picture that matched the first picture from the treasure map, take it off the wall, and follow the directions on the back.

But I was ASTOUNDED at what Travis did tonight.
I've talked before about our fondness for treasure hunts around here. Tonight, Travis created a treasure hunt all on his own.
Captain Hook stole Noah's bo-bo.
We were given this "treasure map", which was actually four different pictures. The pictures were of trees -- small ones, large ones, with roots below the ground and/or nests in the branches.
We were then directed to checkpoint one, where there were two smaller pictures taped to the wall. We were to pick the picture that matched the first picture from the treasure map, take it off the wall, and follow the directions on the back.
(It was important to pay attention to the number of roots in order to correctly match the picture.)
The directions on the back of the card consisted of just an arrow pointing which way for us to go (with an N at the top so we knew which direction the card should be facing).
Sorry Noah looks drugged in this picture. He wouldn't hold still long enough for me to get a good shot.
The arrow pointed us to a second set of two pictures, again taped to the wall. This time we had to match the picture to the second picture on the map. Another arrow, and another set of pictures.
After we'd matched the fourth picture, the arrow pointed us in the general direction of the hidden bo-bo, and we had to search in that area until we found it.
Noah located it under one of the kitchen chairs, and then immediately begged for another treasure hunt.
I had zero part in the whole thing other than to point Noah in the right direction of the arrows, it was all Travis's idea.
Kids are so flipping cool.
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