Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Happy (Early) Mother's Day to Me

Tonight at Cub Scouts, the scouts made Mother's Day presents for their moms. The premise was supposed to be that they took them home and surprised their moms with it on Sunday, but -- well, that just wasn't gonna happen in this house. I'm the mom that has to bring all three kids to the den meetings (normally, it's because it is Ben's bowling night, but even now that bowling is over, he's on a business trip in California right now). Today, it was all I could do to keep Sophie from (literally) climbing the poles in the cafeteria. I plopped myself in the back corner of the room, and I pulled out my "mom bag" filled with iPod Touches and crayons and puzzle magazines and word searches and IceBreakers mints and mini bottles of wine.

Okay, just kidding.

I didn't have any mints with me today.

Anyway, after the chaos of trying to keep Noah and Sophie occupied so they weren't screaming random competitive challenges at each other "Beat ya to touch this corner of the table first! Beat ya!" during the Pledge of Allegiance, I didn't have the energy to pretend I didn't know what my Mother's Day gift was.

But it's a sweet gift all the same.

Before starting the project, the den leaders asked the scouts what some of the nice things were that their moms did for them.

They take care of us when we're sick!
They buy us stuff!

They make us dinner!
They do our homework for us!

That last one got a few raised eyebrows. It wasn't Travis that shouted that one out, I can assure you.

Anyway, here's the bag that Travis made for me.

He picked a frog because he knows my favorite color is green.

Looks like I got me a new "mom bag".

Thanks, kiddo.

1 comment:

  1. OH That is so adorable! What a great gift! Happy early Mother's day. I think the wine will fit nicely in that bag too. love Mimi
