In a testament to what a pitiful mother I've been, we had dedications at our church for Noah and Sophie this last weekend. Travis's dedication was performed when he was a sprightly 9 months old. Here's Sophie at 16 months...okay not so bad... and Noah, at a full 33 months (2 yrs 9 mo if you're trying to keep track)... certainly one of the oldest children there.
Its not as if I was on the fence about whether I would have Noah dedicated.
There was no 'principle' behind the matter.
I just procrastinated. And delayed. And forgot.
Not one of my finer moments.
At any rate, in her oh-so-Sophie way, darling Sophie spent the entire time trying to sneak her way under the seats or through my legs or some other crafty route. She can't stand being confined. And as we stood on stage while two-thirds of my glorious progeny were declared sanctified as per the tradition of the church, Sophie wriggled and struggled in my arms and implored the church officials "Up? Up?? UP UP UPUPUP??" (She says "up" to mean either "up" OR "down", or, more frequently, "DOWN to whoever currently has me and UP to whoever I'm currently trying to win over!"
So that's done.
In other news, I just put the kids to bed and Noah said, "I want to tell you about my dream" -- and I'm thinking, nice try kiddo, I just put you DOWN for bed, I might be a little daft sometimes but even I know you haven't had a dream yet. But I humored him, asked him to please tell me about his dream and he responded, "Maybe you and Dad and Travis can save me from my dream."
Hm. I wonder if he actually is having bad dreams. The kid is the most delightful pile of sunshine in the mornings that I have ever seen (contrast that with big bro, who employs his most pitiful whimper-y tone most mornings and is adamant that he just can't stand up, or walk, or eat breakfast, or get dressed.... you get the picture). Anyway, back to Noah, he rarely wakes up in the middle of the night, I just can't imagine that he's having bad dreams, but.... his plea for someone to 'save' him has me wondering. Maybe I can pry more out of him tomorrow.
And, finally, the legacy lives on. Tonight we hid hot dogs for Canada. He's got a long way to go before he is Maggie-riffic at the hot-dog search & recovery mission but I have a feeling he'll get there.

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