Spent a gorgeous fall day at the pumpkin patch yesterday. Kids had a blast. Travis says his favorite part was getting his balloon animal, but I have a sneaking suspicion it was more like the giant tube slide. Noah says the corn maze was the best, and Sophie had fun chasing random farm animals. Afterwards, the in-laws came over for dinner after their first foray to a Notre Dame game. Beautiful day for a football game, and we came away with a W, so I think they picked a winner.
Today was a day of yard work and other random house work. This evening I took Canada for a 2 mile run around the neighborhood. He's got a little ways to go before he's a good running partner... I spent a lot of time switching the leash from hand to hand or around my body as Canada ran in circles around me, we got tangled in a couple mailboxes, and I had to yank him multiple times from tearing into people's yard waste and flower bushes. But, it was good for both of us, and we'll keep working on it.
And finally, here's photographic overkill from our weekend. Enjoy:

The tube slide. Awesome!
Noah meets the tube slide.
Travis was an awesome big brother. He lugged both potato sacks up the stairs, each and every time, for him and Noah.

The fam on the hay ride

To the corn maze!!
T and N studying the farm animal clue.
Reviewing the duck "fun fact".

Travis and Noah high-fiving after finding the last animal marker!

Ben and Sophie on the Jumping Pillow
Yes, that's a goat climbing up a ladder.
Ambushing the cow
Sophie, loving on the cow
Getting their balloons
Sophie and ya-ya
Noah on the cow train
Travis and Sophie on the cow train

Pedal cars
Even Sophie got in on the pedal cars. With Dad's help.

Getting ready to scope out the pumpkins

T and the pumpkins

Sophie, checking out the goods

Warty pumpkins
Noah and Travis climbing on the giants
All loaded up
Dragging the pumpkins (and the kids) back to the car.
Travis petting a bunny
My beautiful baby girl
Sophie belongs on a farm. I feel like I'm doing her an injustice raising her in suburbia.
And, a random picture of Sophie, who insisted on wearing my earrings after getting back home:
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