Which means that when one of us comes down with an illness, and said illness makes its way through our household, it takes a stinking long time. Even a little 24 hour bug sticks around for more like 200 hours in the Davidson house.
Take this last little virus. It hit Sophie first, she was sick last Saturday and Sunday. Sunday night and Monday was Travis, then Tuesday it got me. Wednesday we had a slight reprieve, and Thursday it was back again with Noah. Made its way to Ben on Friday night and Saturday.
Thus, we did not make it to Ben's cousin's wedding on Saturday. However, Mom and I took the kids to the library festival. I'll spare you the full set of pictures of Sophie hugging random characters, but rest assured, she was nothing less than exuberant about hanging out with giant furry rodents.

Here's Noah with the Mouse. Sophie looking on.

Travis hugging Max. He was most excited to see Max.

Sophie high-fiving Curious George

Travis and George
After the 'meet & greet' we went to the media room where Jim Gill, children's musician, played the banjo and sang some songs while the kids danced around and wore themselves out. Case in point:

We also made some crafts and watched a puppet show. Oh, and Sophie danced to the bongos.
Other than that, fairly uneventful weekend. We worked outside in the yard some, and watched some football. Colts lost, Notre Dame won. Its like the Twilight Zone. Looking forward to next weekend, BSU Homecoming, and overnight party with Friends.
In the meantime, here's some pictures of some outdoor fun over the weekend:

Sophie playing in the "sand pit"

Travis practicing his frisbee throw. Good form!

Noah clinging to dad's leg

Me and Noah, cuddling

Sophie, pretending she knows what to do with a Frisbee.

Noah doing what Noah does

This looks like it could be trouble

This is Sophie's tired face. She came up to me and said "Cuddo!", which means she wants to cuddle with me. That is a hard request to refuse.
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