Tonight, Travis earned his orange belt in taekwondo. I'm insanely proud of him. He really put a lot of effort into it, and did a great job at testing tonight.
I didn't go, I stayed at home with Noah & Sophie. Ben thought maybe we should all go, to support Travis, but I was mostly worried about the two little ones creating distractions. They're not the best at sitting calmly and focusing for periods of longer than, say, sixteen and a half seconds.
Anyway, Ben videod the whole thing. For you die-hard fans (read: grandmas and grandpas), you can view the entire video here.
He had to do his "form", which is a sequence of eighteen moves. He also had to answer some questions about taekwondo, perform other moves, and show the self-defense moves he's learned.
His instructor asked him a lot more questions than are normally asked during testing, just because Travis was the only one testing tonight. Regular testing is scheduled for tomorrow but we are leaving for our spring break, so we had to schedule this one special. But Travis did terrific and really only missed one part of one question when he couldn't remember that "execution" was the middle step of the hand maneuvers.
But, overall, he did awesome at the questions, he could name the four parts of a kick, and he knew what ATA stood for (American Taekwondo Association), he knew that taekwondo comes from Korea and he knew which one is the Korean flag, and he performed all eighteen moves of his form very well.
Anyway, I'm super proud and quite pleased with our decision to sign him up for taekwondo these past few months. It's been a great sense of accomplishment for him.
Way to go, T-dawg!!!
Doing his form:

Getting his new belt!

(His instructor, Mr. Adams, stuck the sticker from his new orange belt square on Travis's nose. He wears a size one belt, if you're interested.)
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