Perhaps the best way to describe the second half of our vacation week is to state that I'm grateful it was someone else's carpets upon which my kids were vomiting.
It's not like we had a horrible time or anything, but much of the last few days was spent in our little condo, with fevers and belly-aches and general sickness abounding. I'll spare you the details, but rest assured there were lots of paper towels involved. There was even a trip to the emergency room to round things out.
(The ER trip was for Travis, by the way, and took place at 3 a.m., as ER trips are wont to do, and resulted in an antibiotic prescription for his ear infection and a stuffed penguin courtesy of the very kind nurses at St. Clare Hospital in Baraboo, Wisconsin.)
And now, a few additional pictures to sum up our trip:

They had rubber ducky races every morning at one of the water parks at our resort. We went a couple times, but none of our ducks were fast enough to win. My kids picked slacker ducks.

They got to take the ducks home, though, which was really all they cared about. Here they are, each traipsing their ducks along the railing in the hallway. They did this all the way back to our room. I have no idea why.

Here's Noah escorting Sophie through the hallway to the waterpark. Our resort connected to three waterparks via skywalks -- by the end of the week, Noah was a champ at making his way through the maze of hallways to our destination.

Me and Travis in the hot tub, coming in from outside.

Here's the kids in front of the aquarium at our dinner at River's Edge Pub & Grub.

And now all of us.

Ben likes to feed the kids lemons and capture their faces on camera. Don't let that look fool you, though. She liked it. She went back in for at least three more bites.

Here's the boys in the tube and tunnel park at Knucklehead's.

Sophie, looking down from up high.
I didn't get many pictures from our last day, because all day Friday was spent holed up in our condo, playing video games and card games, sleeping, and cleaning up sick kids. Here are a couple pictures that really sum up that experience.

This is Sophie in her king size bed that she got all to herself, courtesy of being the only girl among the siblings. Can anyone say princess?
On our way home, we stopped at Cabela's in Hammond.

Ben told Travis to act scared, like he was being attacked by a bear. I don't think he was really feeling that.
And finally, here's some snapshots that underscore the high (and low) points of our trip:

The kids' duck collection.

Our new video game, that Ben bought about halfway through the week. This game was our life-saver on Friday.

The picture Travis drew of one of his favorite parts of vacation. That's him in the wave park. He's wearing a life jacket.

The wristband from Travis's hospital visit.

His new penguin from the hospital, which he named Mr. Slidey.
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