The kids love camping. They told us repeatedly just how much they love it.
They love the pop-up. No matter how cramped, or cold, or hot, or buggy it gets, it is still an awesome novelty for the kids. They can't get enough of it.

They don't quite get the meaning of "pop"-up, though. No amount of three- and six-year-old muscle was enough to get the job done.
We went for several hikes, toured the Pokagon Nature Center, did some pony rides, had our requisite hot dogs and S'mores over the campfire, and otherwise got our camp on.
The weekend was defined by more scrapes and bruises than I care to count. Sophie skinned her knees repeatedly. Her wounds are looking much improved today, but she still wanted me to take her picture.
So, Exhibit A:
Noah fell a few times as well, mostly because he insisted on running in his flip flops, ignoring my warnings. He skinned his nose and even his upper lip.
Upper lip? Who does that?
Apparently, my Noah does that, and it looks sadly reminiscent of a Hitler-moustache.
I asked Travis if he got any scrapes and bruises from the weekend, and he said, no, only two mosquito bites. He got off easy.

And, on an unrelated note, here is a picture of Travis's last day of school.
Bring on 1st grade!
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