Am I the only one that feels like CAPTCHAs are getting out of control?
They used to be actual words, written a little swirly and in funky font, but words. Vocabulary words.
Then they started to become more ridiculous words, like the kind in the back of that little book they would give you to study for the spelling bee. Like xanthosis or euonym (actual national champion spelling words).
Now, they aren't even words. Not even pronounceable. Sometimes, they have symbols in them, for pete's sake. And they are swirlier and smudgier than ever, which means they are impossible to read.
I get it, they're trying to make sure I'm a real person. But I also have to have super-human vision and some kind of telepathy to figure these things out anymore.
It took me, no joke, five tries to get a CAPTCHA right the other day.

I'm not positive, but I think that thing just insulted me.
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