Took the boys to the zoo today, I wanted to squeeze another trip in before school starts.

Noah in the butterfly room. He loved all the butterflies. (Or buttah-byes, as he calls them.)

Travis and his new elephant cup. He's very proud.
We also did pony rides at the zoo, on a little pony named Peanut. All the way out to the car, Noah kept repeating, "I got to ride the peanut"....

Ben's working late tonight again, the week before school starts is always really hectic for him. Work has been really crazy for me too, all sorts of insanity going on there. Not necessarily bad, but.... crazy. I'll just leave it at that.
Speaking of work, I believe I'm fairly fully transitioned into my part-time role. It's weird thinking that I only work part-time... for so long I've considered my job to be so much of who I am, I didn't think I could reconcile that with being a part-timer. In fact, I was filling out a form the other day, and I actually had to 'x' over the "full-time employment" box that I'd automatically checked. Now, I do consider this a short-term situation only -- I'll be full-time again in less than 5 years, I'm sure -- so I'm still a full-timer at heart, I think. I actually really enjoy my job, craziness and all.
I think Sophie's going to be an early walker. I can't stop her from pulling up onto things now. She is no longer content to crawl around anymore.....she wants up. She's determined to be one of the big kids.

Not standing
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