Travis has been on a kick lately of asking me for porcupine gloves. It, naturally, threw me off a little at first. I have no idea where he came up with this concept.
It all started because I was trying to bribe my two-year-old into potty training. I made mention of a possible sucker treat in exchange for a successful potty expedition. Noah inquires, "do we have a sucker, mom?" (In other words, he's catching on....don't get your hopes up just because Mom promises you something, first make sure we've got it on hand. Its possible I've made that mistake before, as in "Who wants pudding for a snack??! Okay, sit in your seats! Do you want chocolate pudding or vanilla pudd.....uh.... I mean.... oops. I didn't pick up any pudding at the store. Um.... Hmmm. Who wants broccoli?")
Anyway, Travis pipes up with his solution if it so happens that I've over-promised once again. He says, well, if we don't have any suckers, we can make a sucker machine!
Then about ten minutes later he informs me that the materials required to make a sucker machine are in the garage, somewhere near the ceiling. I have no idea what those materials are, nor do I have any idea how to construct a sucker machine. I'm assuming Travis looked it up on or something. At any rate, since he wasn't sure how to get to the ceiling in the garage to retrieve said materials, he asked if I knew how to get porcupine gloves. He explained that porcupine gloves would allow him to climb the walls of the garage, thereby allowing him to reach the necessary sucker machine components. (Naturally, Mom!)
What a problem solver that kid is.
He's not giving up on this either. A friend came over the other day shortly after I put the kids to bed, and I told them she'd be coming over in case they heard us talking downstairs. Travis said, "Okay, Mom. Can you ask Erin if she knows how to make porcupine gloves?" Today we were shopping at Kohl's, (or Clothes, as Travis calls it....he assumes its named after what we go shopping there for) and he asked me if Kohl's would have porcupine gloves there for us to buy.
A quick Google search turned up this little number. I'm just not sure what to think about it.

Anyway, if anyone knows where I could pick up a cheap set of porcupine gloves that will safely and easily allow my son to climb to the top of the garage, let me know.
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