I'm off work today, because I worked on Wednesday since I had an important client meeting to attend. That's worked out well, because now I have the day to pack up the family for the weekend.
It's the Eleventh Annual Ski Trip weekend for our little group. I can hardly believe we've been doing this for eleven years. Well, that's not true. Ben and I actually missed the inaugural ski trip in North Carolina, mostly because my back had been dramatically injured and I was unable to move. But since then, we've not missed a trip. Even when we took Travis at 5 weeks old.
This year, our gracious families have agreed to spend the weekend with our kids - Ben's parents with Sophie and my sister Susan with the boys, so we will not be bringing them along. Soon enough, kids, soon enough.

Us about 5 years ago, I think.

Last year
Through eleven years, we've had a lot of interesting adventures; new skiers, old skiers, snowboarders, kids, no kids, barn house cabins and school house cabins, card games and Cranium games, spaghetti dinners and omelette breakfasts, football playoffs and Wii tournaments, lost ski poles and busted shoulders. You know how no matter how much things change, some things always stay the same? One thing you can always count on.....

Ted skis in Carhartts.
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