Here's her eating some cupcake-cake. She was pleased. She repeated, at random intervals during her devouring session, "it tastes good!"

She got sufficiently girly presents from the family, which is good, since her age-appropriate toys are now currently all hand-me-downs from the boys. That's the unfortunate thing about a December birthday, all significant gift-giving occasions happen all at the same time. The dilemma is more pronounced during these super-young years, when what she wanted to play with at one-year-old is quite different than what she wants to play with now.

(To be sure, she still totes around Buzz Lightyear and makes laser noises and shouts "infinny and eyonnnn" (her version of "to infinity and beyond"). But she also loves her new baby doll, tea set, My Little Pony, Barbie, and other gender-stereotypical toys. She's very well-rounded.)
Her adventurous streak is only more pronounced now that she's officially two. She gets into all manner of mischief. Removing and lining up all the game pieces from our Sorry! board is one of her favorite pastimes, as is leaving trails of dog food throughout the house. If there was a competitive sport based upon unraveling rolls of toilet paper, you'd be hard pressed to find a champion more skilled than our Sophie.
Another thing - she's taken to climbing out of her crib. This means hiking one leg up and vaulting over the top, dangling by her hands and then letting go and falling to the ground. She did this no less than three times last night. The first time, it was about ten minutes after I'd put her to bed, and I was in the boys' room tucking them in for the night. I heard her making noise in her room, and it sounded suspiciously like she was causing trouble. I cracked open the door and peeked in, only to find Sophie sitting in the middle of the floor amongst a pile of her blankets and stuffed animals that she had tossed out of her crib before unceremoniously tossing herself. She was holding a book, looked up at me innocently and said, "hi mom! I'm reading!" as if this was a perfectly normal occurrence and I should think nothing of the fact that she's now decided it is completely acceptable to drop herself from a height at least twice the length of her own body.
So I guess it's time to switch to a toddler bed. This crib is one of those that modifies to a toddler bed, but in its six years of existence in this house, it has been in crib form only. Travis stayed in a crib until just after age two, when I moved him to his big boy bed in preparation for our new arrival. I did this several months before Noah was born so that he wouldn't feel "displaced" by the new baby. I didn't think that much about it the next time around. Noah was 17 months old when Sophie was born, and shortly thereafter he got dumped into a big boy bed out of necessity more than anything else.
At any rate, my point is, none of my other kids attempted any high-risk crib stunts, and I hadn't even really thought about switching Sophie to the toddler bed. Every other time its been decided for me. So I guess she just wanted to make sure I was paying attention.
A few more pics from Sophie's party:

Anastasia reading to Sophie

And now Sophie, reading to Anastasia

Sophie loving on Xanthi

After the cake & presents.... Noah and Tom teaming up to play Kinect.
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