This morning, Sophie couldn't get enough loving. She repeatedly wrapped her arms around my neck, said, "mom, I yuv you" continuously, and snuggled against me as much as possible.
This afternoon, as we were picking up Travis from school, Noah waited excitedly for his big brother to emerge from his classroom. Once he did, Noah jumped up and down excitedly and screeched, "It's Travis! It's Travis!" and hugged Travis enthusiastically right in the middle of the hallway. The other parents and teachers smiled down at them and I went right along with the charade that my kids always get along that well.
On the way out of the building, the three of them insisted on holding hands with each other. Me, then Sophie, then Travis, then Noah. As we weaved our way through the hallways and doors and out into the parking lot, the three of them giggled about all sorts of random nothings. They jumped together from the curb to the parking lot and laughed about the snow in the fountain outside the school.
At home, we agreed to watch Toy Story 3 while mom did some cleaning. They all three cuddled together in the recliner, of their own accord.

Once they realized I was taking their picture, they started squirming and wriggling and getting uncomfortable and decided that arrangement would just not work. So, they moved to, appropriately enough, the Toy Story couch, and princess chair.

Still cute.
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