All three kids were sitting at the kitchen table.
I had just poured each of them a glass of milk.
Noah retrieved from the counter our Ziploc bag of chocolate chip cookies. He took one out and handed it to Travis.
It was then that I noticed that there was only one cookie remaining in the bag.
Noah took the last cookie out of the bag. He looked at Sophie, looked in the empty bag, looked at the cookie in his hand, looked back at Sophie.
The situation was rife with meltdown potential. I didn't jump in. I waited to see how this would play out, and who I would need to placate most.
Noah calmly broke the cookie in half and handed one half to his sister. And proceeded to happily devour the remaining cookie half. Sophie said, "thank you, Noah" and did the same with her half-cookie.
Well played, Noah. Well played.

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