My husband is a pretty masculine guy. He's the outdoorsy, camo-wearing, deer hunting type. He loves camping & fishing and anything with the description "off-road". He's a beer-drinker, grillmaster, action-movie watcher. The idea of hair salons baffles him (you mean you actually TIP those people?!), and he couldn't find his way through a spa if his life depended on it. His work in the kitchen usually involves a sandwich of some sort, and while he can make a good meal, a recipe containing more than four steps sounds like a ridiculous project to him. He can tinker with just about anything and does minor electrical and plumbing home repairs with ease. He handles all our household and car emergencies (as well of those of my mom), and snowblows everything in sight. He loves sports, is reasonably athletic, and will drop anything to play in a pick-up basketball game. He couldn't dance his way out of a paper bag. He suffers through romantic comedies because that's the only kind of movie I won't fall asleep during.
In other words, he's a guy's guy.
He is NOT afraid to love on his kids.
He snuggles with them before bedtime. He never fails to tell each of them he loves them at least once every day. He tickles and cuddles and kisses them regularly. He puts them to bed and regales them with stories about his childhood that have them in fits of giggles. He tosses them in the air and swings them around. He hugs them and squeezes them and loves them with reckless abandon.
He's the best dad I know, and his kids love him to pieces.
Here's to you, Ben.

Ben is a pretty stellar dad!!! Love you guys and miss you terribly always!!!