Dear God,
Part of the joy that accompanies having a daughter is supposed to be the ability to apply fancy, cutesy hair styles at will. Hair bows and ponytails and bouncy curls should be an established part of my routine by now.
I'm being robbed of that indulgence.
Sophie is nearly two months past two years old. Yes, she's cute as a button. Yes, she's spunky and engaging beyond belief. Yes, I love her dearly, as does anyone that knows her. No, I could not imagine a world without my Sophie.
But her hair is ridiculous.
It's thin and fine and barely holds a hair band, let alone a barrette. It's long in the back and painfully short in the front. It sticks out at odd angles all over her head.
In her infant months, this didn't matter at all. As a one-year-old, it was just plain cute. But when, oh when, God, will my baby girl get a real hairstyle? One that isn't reminiscent of Joe Dirt or perhaps Rod Stewart?

P.S. I'm not a horrible mom. I do really like Sophie's hair. It's cute. In a "can't-do-anything-with-it-because-I-don't-have-fancy-cutesy-girly-hair" kind of way. I'm just concerned that if she doesn't get some style-able hair sometime soon, I'm going to start applying bows and frills to poor Noah's head. Now that kid's got some hair.
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