Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Travis ate a raisin tonight! And a tiny bit of carrot! You can't imagine my delight. I started with raisins tonight, again did baby steps with just touching it with his tongue, holding it with his teeth, then taking itty bitty bites. His first raisin he ate in about seven bites, if you can imagine that, tearing tiny little pieces off. By his fourth he actually put the whole darn thing in his mouth, I could hardly believe it. So we decided to try a little bit of carrot again, he didn't do quite as well with that as he did with the raisin but it is worlds ahead of where we were a few months ago.

I just got back from the gym, Ben has been horribly sick for the past few weeks, this week the worst, so I've been on kid duty for both mornings and lunchtime. Normally we switch back and forth, I drop the kids off in the morning and he picks Travis up from school at lunch, or vice versa. That way I can use whichever one I don't have kid duty on to work out. Anyway, he was feeling a little better this evening so I gave them all baths and put Sophie to bed, and he agreed to put the boys to bed so I could get in a workout. I'm totally loving my workout time and I think Ben's pretty confident that his present to me -- the gym membership -- is money well spent.

BSU Homecoming this weekend, looking forward to seeing old college buddies. Sounds like most of us (yours truly included) are getting babysitters for the actual tailgating and the game, so we won't be the 'old people with kids' hanging out with all the college folk. We'll just be the 'old people' hanging out with all the college folk. Hooray.

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