Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Painting Pumpkins

We had our pumpkin decorating party last weekend. It was a good time, although a few little hiccups arose, what with Ben's less-than-stellar condition, and the uncooperative weather. We ended up moving the actual decorating inside due to the spotty rain. Afterwards, it did clear up some so the kids could play outside. At least, those that were still around and still having fun.

At the "little kids" table, bring on the decorating!

Riley hard at work, stringing beads on pipecleaners for his pumpkin-dreadlocks

Megan, intensely studying her design implementation

Cory and Blane, our only carvers of the day

Noah's finished pumpkin. The side he's not showing you looks a little more interesting.

Colin and his creation. Is it true what they say about people and their pumpkins looking alike?

Travis and his pumpkin, "death by stickers"

I didn't get a picture of Sophie and her pumpkin. Rest assured, she had a good time.

The Langley boys

The kids had fun. So did Justin, seen here preparing to pelt Noah with a ball.

Travis tackling Blane. Or trying to, at least.

Classic Erin pose

Noah, "helping Erin" retrieve a stray ball

Sophie, loving on a ladybug

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me

O. M. G.

What a day today was.

First, let me give you a brief background of the weekend:

  • Friday: Ben stayed home from work with chills, possible fever, and killer headache. Friday evening, no better -- any movement (i.e., moving his eyeballs) caused debilitating pain. Took him to the ER Friday night. One CT scan, much bloodwork, and a spinal tap later, and they send him home with diagnosis of probable sinus infection with antibiotics and assorted pain/nausea meds.
  • Saturday: Pumpkin decorating party. Obviously, with Ben in his condition, we considered cancelling it. But, he felt better when the meds were kicked in (and then was back to lying motionless in bed or recliner when meds wore off), so we decided to give it a go. (Plus, I had put in a ton of work for the party and it was just too painful to consider calling it off.) Fun times, pictures to come. But, exhausting.
  • Sunday: Mostly recovery/cleanup from the party. Ben was mostly the same -- okay when the pain meds were working, but then he would try to do something, would overdo it, and he'd be back to his incapacitated state. I took the kids to local park to meet up with Travis's little Kindergarten buddy, Evan.
  • Monday: More of the same for Ben. Another day off work for him. Doesn't seem to be getting much better.
So then we get to today. Ben decides to try to make it to work. Tuesday is normally my early-morning-workout day, but I agreed to put the workout off until lunch so I could take the kids to my mom's and Ben could get an earlier start to get caught up at work. As it turns out, by the time he drove into work, he was back to debilitating headaches, and could only get relief from lying down. Spent most of the morning in the nurses office. More on that later.

I went into work, got some stuff done, and then headed to the courthouse to report for jury duty. Meanwhile, I am hearing about tornado watches and warnings going on, so before heading over to the courthouse (which is literally across the street from my office, I stare at it every day from my office window), I called them to make sure it was still on.

It was.

To the courthouse, up to the 2nd floor. Once there, this guy says, "hey, everyone has to go downstairs to the shelter because of the tornado warning...." I'm looking around, trying to figure out what to do, and this other guy that is checking people in for jury duty says, "no, go ahead and come in here, sign in, and sit down," so I do. Turns out I am potential juror number 13, I should have taken that as an omen for how this day was going to turn out.

I sit down, there are about 10 other people there. There are spots for 30 total jury pool members. One other guy comes in after me, and then we sit there for literally half an hour, with no one else coming in, and no representatives of the court to be found. At one point, a lady went to go find out what was going on, and the doorway to the rest of the courthouse had been shut and she couldn't find a way out.


After 40 minutes or so, the guy that had been checking us in comes back, and two other potential jurors shuffle in. They had been in the basement, with the rest of the courthouse, due to the tornado warning.

Yes. They had left us jurors upstairs, alone, while they evacuated to the basement.

Shortly after that, they called us into the courtroom. The honorable judge addressed us, and proceeded to explain that apparently at some point during the madness, the door to the courthouse had been locked. (That's apparently how they handle weather-related emergencies....lock out anyone who might be seeking shelter.) Thus, other potential jurors attempting to report for duty would have essentially been turned away. There were only 14 of us there. The judge explained that, rather than waste our time and his only to find out they didn't have enough acceptable jurors to proceed, that we could go ahead and go. Consider our civic duty served.

I was okay with that. This was a horrible week for me to have to be out of work, with tons of deadlines needing to be resolved prior to 11/1.

So I leave the courthouse and head back across the street to my office. The winds were unbelievable. Had I had an umbrella, it would have been ripped to shreds, judging by what happened to potential juror #2, who was walking back to the building next to me.

Up to my office on the 4th floor. The elevator door opens, and I notice the lobby is dark. Not a good sign. Yup, sure enough, enter the office and it is dead empty. Clearly, they have evacuated for the tornado. I head downstairs to the basement and connected with my team. Indeed, the tornado warning is still in effect for our area. I was down there for about 40 minutes before being able to head back up to get some work done.

On a side note, THANKS, St. Joe County Circuit Court, first for leaving me on the 2nd floor of a building while you safely removed all your employees to the basement, and second for releasing me into the streets of downtown during a posted tornado warning.

Not long after I get back to work, Ben calls to inform me that our family doc has recommended he go back to the ER, and needs me to drive him there. First, because he has intense pain when he stays in an upright position for any length of time, and second because he had gotten a ride home and his truck was still at work.

Left work and took Ben to the ER. Spinal tap on Friday's ER visit had led to spinal headache from CSF leak. Treatment: Blood patch, which means taking blood from his hand and injecting it into his spine via epidural, so the clotting features of the blood essentially "patch" the leak. Three hours later, and Ben is good as new.

Meanwhile, I headed back to work and tried to get as much done as possible. Left the office at 4:55, went to the gym for my twice-delayed workout, and finally made it home.

With all the stress/sickness, Ben had not been able to get my birthday present. But I did get a cookie-cake from Ben and the kids, see above. All is good.

P.S. A funny story from the weekend, on Friday night when it was determined I would need to take Ben to the ER, I called our roomer Justin, who was at his fiance's house, to see if they could hang out at our place instead of hers, thus I could put the kids to bed and leave for the ER. I had put on some sweats and was randomly wearing a T-shirt from the high school Ben works at. Ben, who had been dealing with the shivers, was wearing his track sweats and hoodie from his days as track coach at said high school, plus he donned his jacket bearing the same high school's insignia. Justin came over, eyed us up and down in our matching attire, and said in a somewhat suspicious tone, ".... Are you guys going to the football game?.." As if the whole "going to emergency room for Ben's excruciating pain" was all a ruse so we could trick him into babysitting while we made our way to the Friday night football game.

P.P.S. For those of you keeping up with my workout regimen, I'm on top of it:
Friday, cross-training - 30 min of cycling
Saturday, rest
Sunday, 3 mile run through the neighborhood, complete with intervals
Monday, cross-training - weight lifting and 10 min of cycling
Tuesday, 2 mile run at the gym
Tomorrow = Rest!! Hooray!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Rural King to the Rescue

For a month now, I have been looking for overalls to complete the boys' Halloween costumes. Tried the thrift stores: Goodwill, St. Vincent de Paul, Salvation Army. Nothing. Tried the consignment stores: Once Upon a Child. Tried cheapo department store like Meijer and WalMart, nothing. Definitely did not want to spend real money on them but I was running out of choices. Finally, today, a friend suggested Rural King, my mom suggested Tractor Supply, so I decided to try that route. Took the kids to Rural King after work, bought 2 pairs of overalls. $14 each, more than I wanted to spend, but we'll deal with that. The sum total of everything else for all the kids' costumes was about $17, including shoes, so we're good.

Behold, Mario and Luigi:

To finish their costumes, we'll paint mustaches on their little faces, and we're contemplating spraying their hair black with this temporary hair dyeing spray I have leftover from last Halloween. My kids don't look very Italian.

Mario is currently obsessed with plunging the floor. Hopefully he'll get that out of his system by Halloween.

Sophie has a princess costume, as you can see she's not wearing it in this picture. I have yet to get her excited about her princess dress, for now she wants to put on plumber gloves and carry around a plunger and will have nothing to do with anything princess-y. We might be in trouble.

The Many Faces of Noah

Got to hang out with 'solo-Noah' last night. Travis was sick and went to bed early, Sophie has an earlier bedtime than the boys, so we had some nice time with Noah as our only child. He's a cute kid.
Happy Face

Kisses Face

Sad Face

Mad Face

Giggly Face

Shy Face

Sick Face

Surprised Face

Scared Face

Silly Face

Worried Face

Sweet Face

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Sparkly Mess

Today, as promised, the kids and I went to pick up some crafts for our pumpkin decorating party this weekend. We got yarn, pipe cleaners, beads, stickers, paints, and all sorts of fun stuff.

And sequins. Can't forget sequins.

I got home, opened up all the crafty things and, with Noah's help, sorted them into nice little buckets, bags and boxes for use at the party.

This afternoon, we went to pick up Travis from school. I got a message from the school just as I was getting ready to leave that Travis had been sent to the nurse because he was not feeling well and complained of a headache. I had planned on taking the kids to the library after school, but instead we just went straight home.

And good thing, because Travis threw up in the car on the way home. Tee-riffic.

So we get home, I give Travis a quick bath and give him some comfy clothes, then head out armed with spray cleaner and paper towels to clean up the car. Luckily the car seat took the brunt of the eruption, which means clean-up operation primarily consisted of removing the cover and putting it through the wash. So, after about 10 minutes of cleansing, I headed back in. I walked right by the toy room and made a beeline for the laundry room to dump in the car seat cover and Travis's clothes.

Travis, curled up on the floor in the toy room, says, "um, Mom? Sophie did something....."

Never quite knowing what to expect when I hear this, I ventured into the toy room.

Dear Sophie had emptied my box of sequins all over the floor.

Noah walks in, looks at my face, looks back at the floor, and says, "Oh my. That is a sparkly mess."


Noah was actually a huge help in cleaning up the sequins, while Sophie just wanted to pick them up and toss them around. And scream, repeatedly, her version of Noah's description: "Sparky muss! Sparky MUSS!"

At any rate, after some diligent effort, my sequins are now safely back in their box. And, save for some ancillary carpet lint, as good as new.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The girl who keeps losing her dog

Today's workout: 2.5 mile run. Tomorrow: Rest.

I think I can handle the resting part. Let's just see if my 1, 3, and 5 year olds also have that on their schedule. Methinks probably not.

But that's okay. I purposely scheduled Wednesday as my rest day since I don't make it near the gym on my day off. If I get in some bonus "chase the toddler" or "wrestle with the boys" exercise in on those days, I'm okay with it.

Let's see, other news.... Library day tomorrow, I think I'll renew my selection of book #2 in the Stieg Larsson trilogy since I didn't so much as crack it open in the three weeks I've had it.

We are hosting a pumpkin decorating party this weekend, so I may also stop by a craft store to pick up some fun punkin decorating crafts for the kids.

Thursday, back to the Boys and Girls Club for volunteering after two weeks off, due to surprise gas leak 2 weeks ago and then conference in Indy last week.

Tonight, Ben is at bowling. Thus, unavailable to assist in my doggie dilemma of the evening. I let Canada outside, and within 4 minutes, he had dug his way out from a loose spot in the fence. I thought I had successfully barricaded the area, but no such luck. I had to load up all three kids, who had been snacking on popcorn and were none too happy about being dragged away from said snack. So I loaded each one up with a little baggie of popcorn for the road, and hauled their little shoeless persons out to the truck for a neighborhood search and rescue. We drove around (Travis shouts, "Mom! A clue! There's some dog fur on the sidewalk!" He's really into the detective stuff these days), hollered for the dog, and ate popcorn. Drove back near the house and my nearby neighbor is on my porch with Canada on a leash. It's not his first time returning the dog to us, I'm ashamed to say. I try not to leave Canada outside unsupervised for vast lengths of time, but lets face it, reality sets in quickly. There's almost always someone asking for milk, or food, or to read a book, or play a game, or get their fave stuffed animal unstuck from the baby gate, or to get permission to knock their brother over the head with a baseball bat, you get the picture.

Okay, you got me, my kids don't ask permission to pummel each other with bats.

The other day, the boys were fighting while I was vacuuming, so I told them I'd vacuum up whoever didn't follow the rules. They giggled, we all joked about how sad Dad would be when he got home and couldn't find one of the kids because they were in the vacuum bag, and all was well. Later that night, Noah did something that annoyed Travis and he yelled, "Mom! Vacuum him!"

Lucky for Noah, I had already put the vacuum cleaner away. He got off easy.

Monday, October 18, 2010


I have decided to start training for a mini-marathon.

I've never run a mini before, actually never so much as a 5K in actual race form. The thing is, I have this love/hate relationship with running. You see, I love running.

Oh, and also, I hate running.

But I've decided to do this for two reasons: a) it has always been a kind of goal of mine, even if I haven't stated it in so many words; and b) I feel like it will, at least in the short-term, give me some purpose to my workouts, which will help to keep me focused. Maybe once I've done my first mini, Ill set some more race-type goals to keep myself moving forward.

I had actually signed up for a mini-marathon 2 years ago. I had my training schedule in place, and started on the first week of training. Then the shoe fell. And by shoe I mean Sophie, and by fell I mean implanted herself as an embryo within my uterus. So, the morning sickness began, and my training abruptly ended.

I've got my sights set on the Indy 500 Mini Marathon in May of 2011. Which means I have a whole 24 weeks to prepare. I did some research online, found an 18-week training program that made sense for me, and tweaked it a little to fit my plan. Yesterday, 2 mile run. Today, cross training in the form of weight lifting and light cycling at the gym.

Now that I have put this out in the blogosphere, I feel slightly more accountable. In 24 weeks, I'll either post a picture of myself crossing the finish line in Speedway, or I'll be sheepishly avoiding the topic. But I'm optimistic. I can do this.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Goat on a ladder

Spent a gorgeous fall day at the pumpkin patch yesterday. Kids had a blast. Travis says his favorite part was getting his balloon animal, but I have a sneaking suspicion it was more like the giant tube slide. Noah says the corn maze was the best, and Sophie had fun chasing random farm animals. Afterwards, the in-laws came over for dinner after their first foray to a Notre Dame game. Beautiful day for a football game, and we came away with a W, so I think they picked a winner.

Today was a day of yard work and other random house work. This evening I took Canada for a 2 mile run around the neighborhood. He's got a little ways to go before he's a good running partner... I spent a lot of time switching the leash from hand to hand or around my body as Canada ran in circles around me, we got tangled in a couple mailboxes, and I had to yank him multiple times from tearing into people's yard waste and flower bushes. But, it was good for both of us, and we'll keep working on it.

And finally, here's photographic overkill from our weekend. Enjoy:

The tube slide. Awesome!

Noah meets the tube slide.

Travis was an awesome big brother. He lugged both potato sacks up the stairs, each and every time, for him and Noah.

The fam on the hay ride

To the corn maze!!

T and N studying the farm animal clue.

Reviewing the duck "fun fact".

Travis and Noah high-fiving after finding the last animal marker!

Ben and Sophie on the Jumping Pillow

Yes, that's a goat climbing up a ladder.

Ambushing the cow

Sophie, loving on the cow

Getting their balloons

Sophie and ya-ya

Noah on the cow train

Travis and Sophie on the cow train

Pedal cars

Even Sophie got in on the pedal cars. With Dad's help.


Getting ready to scope out the pumpkins

T and the pumpkins

Sophie, checking out the goods

Turns out Sophie dropped a lot of teeny pumpkins in our little wagon. "We'll take this one please, thank you"

Warty pumpkins


Noah and Travis climbing on the giants

All loaded up

Dragging the pumpkins (and the kids) back to the car.

Travis petting a bunny

My beautiful baby girl

Sophie belongs on a farm. I feel like I'm doing her an injustice raising her in suburbia.

And, a random picture of Sophie, who insisted on wearing my earrings after getting back home: