Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Not screaming, but still creepy

My shins have been feeling dramatically better. (Thank you Zensah! I heart you!) My hips are all but completely rehabilitated.

Awesome, right?

Now......I've got a bum knee.

I'm not talking about just sore knees....I'm used to that and can deal with that well enough. Nope, I've got myself a Gee I think I'm just gonna totally give out in a sharp spasm of pain so you can't put any weight on me, hee hee problem knee.

I can't say for sure how it happened. The first time I was making an awkward step over a pile of clean laundry (yeah, that's right, I haven't put away my laundry from last week yet, what of it?) and felt a sharp pain and weakness in my right knee. It was gone as quickly as it appeared.

Since then, this short burst of misery has reared it's ugly head regularly, multiple times a day, and at the most inopportune times. Like when I'm relying on my knee. To support me. In standing. Or, heaven forbid, walking.

Each time, the severe pain is fleeting, and I'm left with only a lingering weakness that sort of pokes at me, like my knee is taunting me.

I could totally give out on you at any moment!! Hee hee! Are those stairs?? Hee hee, let's just see how far you make it down THOSE. Oh, the suspense is just killing me!

Today, I ran three miles on the treadmill. My knee did great. I was literally opening the locker room door after I'd showered and was heading back to work, thinking to myself, "I'm so glad my knee held out, if it can do a 3-mile run, surely it's just been some kind of flukey strain and nothing serious, hopefully it won't cause me any more troub-----"

And at that very moment, a sharp pain shot through my knee and it buckled underneath me. I had to limp/hobble my way to a table in the gym lobby, my face contorted in an awkward "I'm totally trying not to scream out in pain, I'm succeeding in that but I'm still creeping everybody out," sort of look.

Minutes later, it was back to normal with just that nagging twinge of weakness left in it's wake.

If you know me, you know I'm not likely to go to the doctor about this. I'm hoping and praying it is just some kind of ligament strain that will heal on its own.

I'll keep you posted. In the meantime, if you see me hobbling around looking deep in agonized thought and / or possibly constipated, you'll know what's going on.

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