Monday, August 22, 2011

Sterling Silver Madness

I have this weird jewelry complex.

I can wear it all day long and not think a thing about it. The minute I get ready to take it off, it feels all constricting-like. As if they are not items of jewelry, but rather torture devices designed to slowly wear at me all day long until I just can't take it anymore.

It's like my earrings suddenly feel too heavy and dangly and itchy, and I can't get them out of my ears fast enough.

Or as if my watch is too tight around my wrist and feels all sticky and sweaty and it is making my skin crawl to even have it on.

Or as if my necklace is actually strangling me and I may very well choke to death if I don't get it off this very second and oh-my-god-the-clasp-is-sticking-and-my-fingers-are-all-fumbly-and-I-can't-get-it-unhooked-and-I-feel-like-this-thing-is-getting-tighter-around-my-throat-every-SECOND-AND-WHY-CAN'T-I-GET-THIS-DANG-NECKLACE-OFF-ME-HOLY-CRAP-I'M-GOING-TO-PASS-OUT-AND....whew.

It's quite a strange sensation. It's like a mini-panic-attack that appears for those few seconds between when I've decided to take my jewelry off and when I've actually removed said jewelry.

Then I'm back to normal.

Or, at least, back to whatever it is I am when I'm not totally crazy.

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