Thursday, August 25, 2011

I Can't Think of a Title

Sophie's taken to double-pluralizing words.

Yummmm, can I have some eggses?

Look mom, I put my shoeses on!

Momma, I can put the spoonses away!

That last one was when she was 'helping' me unload the dishwasher and proceeded to put all the forks in the knife partition and all the spoons in the aluminum foil drawer.

Thanks, Sophie.

I'm trying to figure out where she picked up this habit, but I can't think of any words that legitimately sound double-pluralized.

Except 'ellipses'.

And I'm pretty sure we don't use that word very often.

Hmmm, there's also 'cheeses'. We do talk about cheese a lot in this house. But we don't talk about cheeses. 'Cheeses' pretty much always implies you are at some swanky dinner party and you're commenting on the fine array of fancy cheeses available for your perusal.

At our house, it's more like, "should I add some cheese to this potato dish? Yes? Okay, cheese it is." and "Boy this glass of wine sure tastes great, how about some cheese and crackers too?" and "Mmmm, cheese in a can is totally awesome."

That last one is solely attributable to Ben, because while I am a cheese-lover extraordinaire, I just can't stomach cheese in a can.

I'm a little off-topic here.

And, since I can't think of a good segue, I'm just gonna jump right into how I picked Noah up from his first day of Preschool, and he was happy and excited and seemed to do a great job. He played on the slide at recess and talked to the other Noah in his class and sang a song about numbers and had pretzels at snack time. He's so cute and little and smart and I'm very proud of him.

He rockses.

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