Monday, August 8, 2011

Some Random Thoughts

  • I'm quite pleased that my kids, thanks to the magic of Netflix on the Wii, are falling in love with old Inspector Gadget cartoons. That is quality entertainment, my friends.
  • We've gotten through our month of multi-vacations, with our New York trip, and camping, and Canada. The trips were all terrific, but pre-vacation always turns me into a ball of stress. I decided that I'm pretty much the Charlie Sheen of vacationing, and by that I mean when I'm actually on my vacation, I'm pretty good at it and it all goes well, but behind the scenes and during all the prep work I'm a total loon.
  • I promised the doctor at the Urban Adventure medic tent that I would go to my regular doctor to get my stitches removed, but by the time Sunday night rolled around, I decided that was a gigantic waste of time and money, and utterly unnecessary. So, I went to Wal-Mart and bought some tiny, sharp sewing scissors and snipped them myself in the bathroom mirror.
  • I bought a one-thousand-piece puzzle when we were in Canada and spent the evenings and kids' nap times putting it together. With some help from Ben, Travis, Noah, Mac & Jody. I finished 998 pieces of it. The other two pieces were either not in the box (who knows what quality control is like in Canada) (just kidding, Canada! I heart you!), or Sophie dropped them down the cracks on the front deck, or fed them to the lake trout or something. I scoured the cabin from top to bottom and never found them. It was extremely frustrating.
  • Sophie's going through a spitting phase. I've had to reprimand her three times this evening to not spit on the iPad, or the dog, or her dinner.
  • I forgot to mention that we won the Urban Adventure Video Contest, which was announced at the awards ceremony after the race, and were able to take home a new iPod Touch and iPod Nano as our winnings. They have made themselves at home among the myriad of other Apple gadgets in our house, and are quite pleasant additions to our family.
  • Speaking of Apple products, I'm very nearly fully converted to an Apple disciple. I never thought I'd say that. Certainly, I still use Windows at work, but as I type this blog from the MacBook at home, listening to my new Nano, downloading alphabet games on the Touch for Sophie, while the boys play Uno on the iPad, I consider myself pretty well won-over.
  • The other day, Ben seemed genuinely surprised that I knew what an Allen wrench was. I'm no Bob Vila, but I was pretty insulted.
There. That's all the crap that's been swirling around in my brain for the last day or two. You're welcome.

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