Monday night, some gals and I from work took the kids to a local park while the guys went golfing. Ben's not much of a golfer, but I think he enjoyed himself anyway.
Erin and Sophie on the teeter-totter
Noah, learning navigation of the playground from the best
Roll-y slide
Travis met a little girl his age at the park named Hannah. They spent the entire afternoon together.
Little Erin on the swings
Sophie loved the teeter-totter. This little girl (not with our group) took a liking to her.
Happy as a clam
Travis and Hannah, rock climbing
Sophie, on the teeter totter again, this time with little Erin. Megan overseeing.
Travis and Hannah again. I believe this time they had to slide away from the bad guys and run to the 'spaceship' for safety. I could only catch snippets of their conversations. They were busy.
Colin, taking a water break
Travis & Noah taking a water break. And of course, that's Sophie in the background. On the teeter totter.
Erin eating a banana
Sophie's turn for water. All that teetering is hard work.
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