Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Geek Squad

I'm raising a family of uber-geeks.

Not that this is a huge surprise to me. Today as we were looking at the blog, Noah and Travis on my lap, Noah saw the thumbnail of one of our YouTube videos at the sidebar at the top. He said, "Mom! Go up! A video!" and then simultaneously started scrolling his finger along the monitor of the computer, just as if it were a touch screen, like the iPad or iTouch. Poor kid just doesn't understand the limitations of our lowly desktop PC.

Travis has taken to adding "dot-com" to random words or phrases. Today, when we pulled into the drive, he said, "Hooray! Home.... dot-com!" Yesterday, when we were thinking of crafts to make (we decided on refrigerator magnets made out of old CDs, covered with foam paper and stamped with their handprints), Travis told me to go to allcrafts.com. I thought maybe this was some actual site he'd heard about on Nick Jr or something. But no, its just a domain name he made up as one that would likely have lots of craft ideas.

On an unrelated note, tonight Travis informed me that he thinks he wants to be "airplane driver" when he grows up. "But", he said, "I just don't know what all the controls mean." I told him not to worry, pretty much any profession he chooses he'll have to learn about, so he'll have a chance to figure out all those controls. Up until now, he has wanted to be either a married football player, or a person who builds stuff.

(The "married" part of the football player career path came from when he was four, and decided he most definitely wanted to be a football player. But he told me he did not want to be married. I, naturally, was inquisitive about this remark so I asked him why this was so. He told me it was because married people have to do hard stuff.

Intrigued, I pushed further. In my head, I'm thinking he's overheard Ben and I worrying about some grown-up household issue, or lamenting about work troubles. His response, "Well, you have to change the light bulb that's really high up." Not exactly what I had been expecting. So, I explained to him that as people grow up, they have more responsibilities (whether married or not), and that being married is really lots of fun. We talked about that a bit more, and ever since that time, his answer to any line of questioning about future plans has been that he wants to become a "married football player".)

Anyway, appears he's expanding his horizons a bit. I wonder if he'll still consider marrying now that he's possibly pursuing pilot-hood, or if that was only reserved for his football career. I guess we'll just have to see.

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