As we're loading things up, I get a call from my sister. As it turns out, she was calling because they were planning a family trip up to St. Joe themselves and wanted to see if by chance we'd be interested in coming along. So, we met them at the museum and made a day of it. The kids love the Curious Kids Museum, but enjoyed it even more today since they got to spend some quality time with the cousins.
Fun trip. Pictures below. I'm too tired to write anything else.
Sophie, Travis, Anastasia, Noah, Xanthi, Anesti
What do you know??? I actually got a fairly decent picture of all 6 kids, for the most part all looking at the camera (or at least in that general direction), no hair-pulling, no screaming, no bunny ears. I'm still a little in shock.
Xanthi at weather and Anastasia handling sports.
Sophie The Collector
If you know Sophie at all, you know she's not happy unless her arms are full. Mostly, she gathers stuffed animals -- but she doesn't limit herself. She'll collect any darn thing she can find. Case in point......

One of the biggest hits of the museum.... the giant bubble:

Sophie got kind of tuckered out at the end of the long day. Didn't we all.
And that's all, folks.
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