I've taken to always looking for "conspicuously posted" elevator permits, as I almost never see one that is up to date. The elevator in my parking garage at work has an elevator permit posted that expired in 1999.
So today, I'm in an elevator in a medical facility, glanced at the permit, and what do you know, it expires January 22, 2011. I could hardly believe it. I happened to have my FlipCam with me in my purse so I grabbed it and shot a quick video. Sorry the snapshot below is not of terribly high quality, it was the best frame I could pull from the video. The doors opened about two seconds after I started filming and I thought others might think it odd that I was video taping the interior of an elevator, so I shut it off quickly.

To be fair to all those building owners out there, I believe the law in Indiana has changed such that you are not required to "conspicuously post" elevator permits within the actual elevator, as the prior law stated and as is printed on many of those old elevator permits. So I imagine most of those elevators with out-dated permits may very well be in compliance with the law by having some valid permit stored away in some file somewhere. I just find it humorous that so many of them neglect to remove those old permits for years, sometimes decades.
At any rate, as you can see, finding an up-to-date elevator permit is quite the event in my humble existence. That's what this blog is for. Recording important things like my kids' childhoods, and operating permits.
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