I was looking through some old pictures today,and decided I'd throw up just a few old-school pictures of the boys, since those pics don't get to see the light of day often; and more importantly, because they were so darn cute.

Smiley Noah at about 6 months. He was one of the happiest, most 'delightable' babies I've ever seen.

Noah hiking in dad's backpack carrier at about 1-year

Travis playing in the sand, 1 yr old

Travis goofing off, age 2. (Holy crap....the dining room was still a dining room back then, not a toy room as it is currently. Those were the days.)

I ran across this picture of the boys with their cousins. Noah was 1 and a half, Travis was almost 4. That would make Anesti 5 and the twins 7.
And, finally, I found this picture.... which is a nice picture of the four of us. Obviously, this was pre-Sophie. Noah was about 9 months old, and Travis was a couple months past 3.

But, I included this picture mostly because it was taken literally a week before we found out I was pregnant with Sophie. We were on vacation in the Dells, and at the end of our vacation I started feeling nauseated regularly. I thought it might have just been a little bug, but when we returned home and it was still persisting, I took a pregnancy test with zero intention or belief that it would possibly be positive. What a surprise that was.
I kind of love it, because in this picture above, we're all happy, vacationing, having a great time, and we felt like a nice little complete family.
Boy were we wrong.

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