The streak has been broken.
Up until about twenty minutes ago, Noah was the undisputed UNO champion of this household. Seriously. I mean, I bought the game on Saturday morning, we've played it probably fifteen times in the two days since, and Noah won fourteen of those. But just now, he lost two games in a row, much to Travis's delight.
Such a winning streak is useful to teaching good sportsmanship --- and to Travis's credit, after he got over his initial frustration at always losing, he then moved to "let's see who wins second place" and was able to keep a positive attitude. But it was starting to get a little freakish, having this three-year old prodigy winning every single game.
As a side note, you should see said three-year-old declaring:
Up until about twenty minutes ago, Noah was the undisputed UNO champion of this household. Seriously. I mean, I bought the game on Saturday morning, we've played it probably fifteen times in the two days since, and Noah won fourteen of those. But just now, he lost two games in a row, much to Travis's delight.
Such a winning streak is useful to teaching good sportsmanship --- and to Travis's credit, after he got over his initial frustration at always losing, he then moved to "let's see who wins second place" and was able to keep a positive attitude. But it was starting to get a little freakish, having this three-year old prodigy winning every single game.
As a side note, you should see said three-year-old declaring:
when he gets down to one card remaining. It is delightful.

We also bought the game "Sorry!" this past weekend, which you may recall from my earlier blog, I played at the Boys & Girls Club last week. As I was playing it, I thought it would be the perfect game for Travis and even Noah. Noah is a little young, but he knows how to count, and can move his pieces on his own, and can decide who he wants to switch places with or exact revenge upon when he draws the Sorry! card. So he does good. And I was right about Travis. He LOOOOOOVES Sorry. Loves it. Its all he wants to do anymore.
We did have one issue -- and that was deciding who was going to be what colors. Travis pretty much prefers exclusively blue; and Noah likes to switch colors. So when they both want to be blue, we have a dilemma. At one point on Saturday, I let Travis be blue and Noah be popcorn (since we'd been snacking on a bowl of popcorn, it seemed only natural). Every once in a while, we'd each grab one of Noah's playing pieces and eat it, then replace it with another piece of popcorn. The boys got a big kick out of that. Since then, we don't seem to have any more fights about colors.

In other news, Ben and I are each working half days this week, as my mom is on vacation with her sister in Wisconsin. So I am working mornings and Ben is working afternoons. And of course I have my regular Wednesday off.
Travis is home sick from school today because he developed a fever last night and woke me up at 4:30 this morning to tell me he needed to throw up. I think its just a mild bug, as he is for the most part okay today, and ate breakfast and lunch without a problem. Sophie seems fully recovered, save for the explosive diarrhea this morning (but see my previous paragraph; I was at work and Ben was home at the time, so he had to deal with the radioactive fallout, so to speak.) Right now, she is a ball of energy and seems to have no more issues. So far Noah has avoided any symptoms, knock on wood.
It has been quite the weekend of games for this family -- Friday, went to a friends house where the adults played "Would You Rather" and Catchphrase, Saturday was UNO and Sorry!-filled, Sunday Erin came over and we and the kids played some more UNO, Toy Story Kerplunk, and Cars Bingo; then after the kids went to bed, Davidsons and future Seifers played Outburst and Tri-Bond. Girls against guys. The girls ruled.
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