Okay. Just kidding. I get a little picture-happy sometimes. I figure it might be a tad bit boring for you, faithful reader, but we get enjoyment out of going back through these old pictures.
Went tailgating today, chilly day but had fun. I've been thinking Sophie might be teething because she's had a fever the last couple days. But, after tailgating, we went back to a friend's house to watch the game, and Sophie kind of threw up -- so I think something else is going on. At any rate, we packed up and went home early and poor baby is upstairs conked out. She's not super-super sick, just not feeling so hot. She's been uber-clingy these last few days.
Perhaps I shouldn't have taken her out tailgating today with her being under the weather. But if I hadn't, I wouldn't have gotten this super-adorable picture of her sharing a stroller with Megan's daughter, Erin.

They were sickeningly adorable. And Erin was so cute... she put her little arm around Sophie for the entire walk home.
After we got home and got Sophie to bed, and watched some of the game, I went out shopping with a friend at Kohl's. I paid using the Visa gift card that I won at the United Way drawing at work. (I am the UW coordinator for my office; but I promise there was no funny business in my winning -- I am completely removed from the actual raffle drawing process, thats the CFO.) Anyway, the cashier asks what I'm planning on paying with and I say, "I have this Visa Gift Card" and show it to her. So she starts punching all these buttons and then swipes my card, and its not working. Error error error. She cannot figure out what to do. She tries punching in the number. Doesn't work. Tries punching in another number. Nothing. Swipes it again. Nothing. Finally after 5 minutes of messing with it and getting nowhere, she closes out the sale and tries again. She says, "Maybe I'll try Debit Card this time" and looks at the card. She says, in a somewhat accusatory tone "OH! See? It says "Debit Card" right here. You told me it was a gift card, so I pushed the Gift Card button. Its a debit card!"
Naturally, I bristled a little bit at this and reacted somewhat defensively. I mean, did she really just blame this on me because I called it a gift card instead of a debit card? To me, its a flipping gift card. I was annoyed.
And, for the record, it also says "Gift Card" on the blasted card.
When I got home from shopping, Ben was feeding the boys. He told me that in order to come up with something they would both eat, they made a list of the foods they like. Then they went through the list and picked out a few things to put together into the world's greatest Davidson sandwich.
This is what they came up with (closeup, courtesy of Noah. Half-eaten, I would note):

It is toast, covered with peanut butter, and popcorn and M&Ms on top.
And finally, I leave you with these photos of the boys dancing on the "Irish Green":
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