This morning, I loaded up Noah and Sophie to head to the library. The mouse from the If You Give a Mouse a Cookie books was making a stop by our local library during story-time. We made mouse puppets, did some songs and dances, and met the mouse.

There is a library festival this weekend that I was so hopeful to make it to because we missed it last year. But we have a wedding this weekend about 3 hrs away and will have barely enough time to stop by. I think we'll have enough time to drop in for a few minutes at the beginning, which is better than nothing. Mouse will be there, as well as some other of my kids' favorite characters, like Curious George, Max of Max & Ruby, Martha the talking dog, and others. I'm really bummed about missing the marionette puppet show of Beauty and the Beast, though. I think they would have loved it.
At any rate, you won't be surprised to learn that Sophie ADORED Mouse.

Noah was a little reluctant. But he gave him a high five.
Then afterwards, we went to Goodwill to pick up some stuff for the kids' Halloween costumes. I'm not telling you what they are, its a secret for now. You'll learn more as we get them put together. But I bought a few things, including hats and shoes for their costumes. I also let each kid pick out a Goodwill toy. Sophie got a musical guitar, and Noah made off with Goodwill Gold by finding a Buzz Lightyear rocket ship.
By this time, it was lunch, so we went home and made mac'n'cheese, and played with the new toys. Sophie had time for a little nap before it was time to pick up Travis from school. We then made a trip to Meijer to find a few more costume-related items, and some necessities like milk, and cheese sticks.
I'd also wanted to pick up a few finishing touches for an especially nice dinner I wanted to make for Ben tonight, as an apology for my uber-stressfulness lately. But, Sophie was tired from a too-short nap, and was a screaming mess. Noah didn't want to ride in the cart but was forced to because every time I put him down to walk, he got "wiggly", meaning he zigs and zags and pretends to fall, and lags behind, and wreaks general havoc as much as possible. So he was grumpy. Sophie was grumpy because she just kept seeing things she wanted "(ooh! a bear! ooh! a fish! OOH! A TOWEL!), so the entire shopping trip was one heartbreak for her after another, as I kept passing her dream items by. Even things she wanted that we did get (ooh! cheese sticks!) (which sounds more like "tease ticks" in her 21-month old tongue) were still heartbreak because mean ol' mom wouldn't open them for her mid-store. She sat in the front of the cart with "tease ticks" gripped in her hands screaming "OPEN! OPEN! O! PEN!" for most of the trip.
So, by the time I'd gotten the essentials, I was ready to get out of there, and didn't pick up what I needed for my nice dinner.
I did finally appease Sophie a tiny bit, however, by allowing her a ride on Sandy, the penny pony at Meijer.

Then we got home, the kids ate dinner and I called Ben and told him what my plan had been and suggested we just order something in instead. He won't be home till later anyway, so once the kids get to bed, hopefully we can unwind with some pizza and a glass of wine or something.
At any rate, after they ate, we worked on some craft projects -- spray painting the kids Halloween costume hats, and then working on Travis's art project homework for school. They gave him a large orange pumpkin cut-out, and it was our job to creatively decorate it however we wanted. The teacher said, "anything with a face" but urged us to try to use things other than just paper.
So, Travis decided on a tiger. We used green & blue food coloring to darken up some macaroni, which we glued on for the stripes. We used skinny wooden craft sticks for whiskers, which Travis decided to paint with sparkly glitter glue. We used molding clay for the nose, and pipe cleaners for the mouth and teeth.
Travis is so proud. He loves it. We'll take it back in to school tomorrow for display in his classroom.
After all that crafting, it was time for bath, another exhausting endeavor. Kids liked their new bubble bath, but Sophie spent a lot of time eating it, and Noah spent a lot of time rubbing it in his eyes and then screeching.
So, I'm down for the count. Bring on the pizza and wine.
Oh - also, I found a few random pictures that I wanted to include:
Noah desperately wants Avery and Canada to be friends.
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