The kids, posing

Decorating pumpkins

Busily affixing stickers

Noah picking his nose. I mean, his pumpkin's nose.

Travis and his pumpkin, "Super One-Tooth"

Noah and "Wiggly Nose"

Sophie's pumpkin "Goophie". She decided the eyebrows looked better on the side of his face. She's exercising her one-year-old artistic license.

The finished product!
The Culver ice cream guy was there. He looks a little creepy to me.

But Sophie liked him.

So did Travis.

Noah and the ice-cream cone had a stand-off.

Sophie may have liked him too much. She followed him everywhere.

Bag decorating

Here's Sophie, post-Krispy Kreme


Sucker # 2

Waiting in line for the horse-drawn wagon ride. Such anticipation!

Here it comes!

This is Sophie when she first caught sight of the horses. Hooray, horses!

Oops. This is Sophie when she realized we couldn't make it on the first wagon. Devastation.

Travis rode in the front of the wagon!

Look who's here!!

Trevor finishing up the obstacle course

And here's Travis. Trevor is overseeing.

Noah made it through the obstacle course too!

Sophie, happily trapped in the playground


When I took this picture, I thought I had gotten all four boys on the balance beam. In reality, it is three boys on the balance beam and Noah scoffing at them. Moments later, he turned tail and ran the other way.

Trevor, Travis, and Nate. They had a great time at the playground.

Grandma, the boys, Ben, Sophie. Walking back after a fun-filled morning.
And, I had to include this video of Sophie on the bridge at the playground. She's a goofball.
On our way out of the park, Travis said that he had a new favorite place to go, because he loved the playground so much. I asked what his favorite part was and he said it was playing on that playground. I said,
"What about the inflatable obstacle course?"
"Oh, that was my favorite part too"
"What about decorating your pumpkin?"
"Oh, right, that was another of my favorite parts."
"What about the wagon ride?"
"Oh yeah, that was my favorite too."
"What about eating popcorn?"
"Yes, that was my favorite part too."
"What about the giant ice-cream cone guy?"
"Oh yeah, he was my favorite."
I think it was a successful venture.
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